MakerDAO Meet Your Delegates: ACREinvest! One year later...

Time and circumstance do not permit me to do a proper review of the past year at MakerDAO and what perspectives I’d like to share about so many things.

For now, let me say simply THANK YOU to so many wonderful people, new friends and foes, ecosystem colleagues and all the court players that make this carnival the grand stage it is.

Cheers and God bless us all in the year ahead!

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I am (not) Francis Bacon

To know me is to know that the diagnosis that best explains everything is that I am a frustrated artist. Someone could observe my life and “work” as a lawyer, entrepreneur, gallery owner, Web3 founder… and realize: MY GOD - it’s performance art! They would not be wrong.

So, if I am a kind of closet artist in Wall Street meets crypto drag, then my computing devices and internet accounts and blockchain presence would be a “distributed studio”. And if it’s all conceptually my studio then the best illustration I have for it would be the studio of Francis Bacon.

But I am not Francis Bacon and I need to clean up my (distributed) (virtual) studio!

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Guide to the #ReFiArmy Giving Circle

Give away 10,000 $ACRE tokens on Polygon to thank your team! Regenerative Economy work is difficult and often goes unseen or under appreciated. In Web3 we have new tools to make everyone’s contributions more visible.

The ACRE DAOs Coordinape Giving Circle will have the added benefit of recording and sharing a record of these contributions as a resource for the ecosystem at large. By joining as a Contributor, you will be putting your project and team on the MAP with an allocation of 10,000 GIVE to give away and show the world who has been an essential collaborator in your impactful work.

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#ReFi Federation for Permissionless Income: Meme Governance Proposal (DRAFT)


A Picture is worth 1,000 words.

What you have below is a governance proposal composed entirely of memes!

I got the idea jamming with the incredible community at Forefront during FF Labs - Season 1. You can check out this Miro Board from the first jam session where we share what is boring about Web3.

Lot’s of people said: Governance! Reading proposals and voting is apparently a real drag.

I actually LIVE for governance. Go figure…

So tell me friends, if you were (or are) a Founding Member of ACRE DAOs would you vote to approve, reject or abstain?

What is it exactly that you think you’d be voting in favor of?

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"Mother of Exiles" - I'm also posting as kdaverington on!

You could say my Web3 journey began in 2016 when I launched my own law practice, Daverington PLLC, to assist clients involved in the global over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives and physical commodities trading markets. That was the year the blockchain-not-bitcoin meme really exploded and I heard about Ethereum.

Woah,” I thought, “this is the next niche I need to conquer.”

By 2018, I was spinning up Metamask and lurking in the Pepedapp Telegram to catch the latest dank memes I could buy as NFTs.

Fast forward to today and Acre of America is the name of a firm I founded in 2018 with the ambition of building a new kind of institution fit for the crypto Wild West. I now lead Acre of America Partners LP, an impact investment management & advisory firm working at the intersection of new technologies & rural problems from headquarters in Hudson, New York, USA.

ACREinvest is our new blockchain venture focused on creating compelling Web3 infrastructure, virtual network services and social incentives for DAOs and other peer-to-peer permissionless stakeholders. We recently launched ACRE DAOs, a Web3 portal for a decentralized impact investment club and its related community ERC-20 token: ACRE Impact.

Our Mission at ACREinvest is to regenerate the way capital markets work & for whom.

ACRE stands for Autonomous Communities for Regenerative Economies.

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FAQ #1: ETH-NIMCRUT - Autonomous Fixed Income with Charitable Giving

An ETH-NIMCRUT is a wealth management product created by Kianga Daverington that combines a traditional Charitable Remainder Trust structure with the Web3 benefits of the Ethereum decentralized finance (“DeFi”) ecosystem.

  • A charitable remainder trust is a tax-exempt irrevocable trust designed to reduce the taxable income of individuals.

  • A charitable remainder trust disperses income to the trust beneficiaries for a specified period and donates the remainder to the designated charity.

  • A charitable remainder trust allows a donor to make contributions, be eligible for a tax deduction, and donate a portion of the assets.

The donor’s right to receive income from an ETH-NIMCRUT is a lead interest separate from the Unitrust itself (the "Lead Interest"). This Lead Interest is a capital asset of the donor's that a Trustee can document in the form of a Non-Fungible Token ("NFT") and deposit the relevant Lead Interest NFTs into the respective donor's Ethereum wallet. The BF ETH-NIMCRUT, for example, provides for the transfer of owed income payments after the creation of a BF ETH-NIMCRUT to a new wallet address(s) via NFTs for purposes of convenience, transaction privacy or other.

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It's happening... #blockchain #AI #internetofthings #quantamcomputing #unmanneddelivery #threedprinting

On September 29, 2020, Congressman Darren Soto’s bills, the Digital Taxonomy Act (H.R. 2154) and the Blockchain Innovation Act (H.R. 8153), passed out of the House incorporated into the Consumer Safety Technology Act (H.R. 8128).

For years, Americans have seen how emerging technologies, such as blockchain, improve the lives of so many while serving as enablers of social, economic and environmental growth. As blockchain moves to the center of the 21st-century, the United States must maximize its benefits to catalyze progress and opportunity for the American people. Both of Congressman Soto’s bipartisan bills seek to expand the potential of the blockchain ecosystem while leading the United States to a blockchain-enhanced government.

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The 2021 Great RESET: Investment Opportunities in Digital Assets

The best investment opportunities right now acknowledge that the world has arrived at a tipping point in the so-called “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” Information in the form of data and artificial intelligence will completely transform existing dependencies on the machine technologies invented in the 19th century and enhanced in the 20th century with computing power.

The current technological evolution of the internet (Web 3.0) is inextricably linked to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and will be supported by an emerging constellation of low-earth orbit space technologies designed to transcend the legacy internet’s geographical, political and physical limitations.

One way to think about the significance of bitcoin and related technological innovations in digital assets since Bitcoin’s introduction in 2008, is to recognize that we are witnessing the emergence of material that for the first time in human history represents unique, identifiable and commodifiable units of an intangible.

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Bitcoin & The Future History of Money on @FrankNewsUS


Your most pressing concern right now is not how much money you have, but rather how you have your money. Is your money in the bank? Is your money in stocks? Is your money in pieces of paper under your mattress? Look at the time. Right now, on your computer or phone – it’s whatever o’clock. Do you know where your money is exactly and whose permission you need to access it? Do you know what your money is?

The answers to these questions clearly demonstrate how the disruption in money underway around the world contributes to the new perspective on Work/Life Balance gathering steam in the Hudson Valley.

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